Community Coalition

The City of Redding formed a Community Coalition to advise the project team during the development of the Riverfront Specific Plan. Coalition members include representatives from a variety of groups, organizations, and represent a range of community interests and perspectives (see below for a list of members and their affiliations).

The mission and charge of the Coalition is to develop a Vision Statement and Guiding Principles for land within the study area that will be presented to the broader community for review and feedback. During their meetings they will review, evaluate, and discuss information and concepts for the study area, including future uses and areas of preservation and/or rehabilitation. They will also assess the feasibility of a range of uses and activities in the study area, with the support of technical data and analysis provided by the Project Team.

Meeting Information

The Community Coalition will be convened for four public meetings in October and November 2023. Each meeting will last approximately two hours and will be held on weeknights at Redding City Hall. These meetings will be live streamed and there will be an opportunity for public comment at the end of the agenda. Public comment must be made in-person at Council Chambers or sent via email to

Meeting #1: Introduction and Area Assets, Opportunities and Challenges

Monday, October 9, 2023, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Community Room/Council Chambers, Redding City Hall, 777 Cypress Avenue

The Coalition will review the Riverfront Specific Plan project purpose and schedule, area history and current context, overall project goals, and community feedback from the August 2023 Open Houses. The Coalition will provide comments on the Riverfront’s assets, opportunities and challenges.

Meeting #2: Existing Conditions and Emerging Common Vision Elements

Monday, October 23, 2023, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Community Room/Council Chambers, Redding City Hall, 777 Cypress Avenue

The Coalition will review existing conditions information, including cultural resources, biological resources, mobility, parking, circulation, and economic trends. The Coalition will provide feedback on emerging common vision elements and key long-term desires for the Riverfront Specific Plan study area.

Meeting #3: Draft Riverfront Vision and Guiding Principles

Monday, November 6, 2023, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Community Room/Council Chambers, Redding City Hall, 777 Cypress Avenue

The Coalition will review a draft Riverfront Vision and Guiding Principles Framework (diagram and document). The Coalition will provide feedback to help refine the draft Vision and Guiding Principles Framework.

Meeting #4: Refined Draft Riverfront Vision and Guiding Principles

Monday, November 20, 2023, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Community Room/Council Chambers, Redding City Hall, 777 Cypress Avenue

The Coalition will review the updated draft Riverfront Vision and Guiding Principles Framework. The Coalition will provide feedback to help further refine the draft Vision and Guiding Principles Framework so it is ready for City Council review.

Community Coalition Members

 Name Affiliation
 Lindsay Myers Turtle Bay and Sheraton
 Julie Dyar Advance Redding
 Chris Kutras Kutras Properties
 Melissa Buciak Garden Tract Resident
 Lesley Jessee The McConnell Foundation
 Jocelyn Olson Kutras Tract Resident
 Danica Helgren Southern Waterfront Business Owner (Urban Retreat Spa)
 Ben Claassen Southern Waterfront Business Owner (Shasta Charter Academy)
 Michele Goedert Planning Commissioner
 Josh Divine CSAC Commissioner
 Garrett Miller Redding Resident
 Baron Browning Redding Rodeo Association
 Cameron Middleton Asphalt Cowboys
 Gary Rickard Wintu Tribe of Northern California
 Jack Potter, Jr. Redding Rancheria
 Ryan Haedrich Redding Chamber of Commerce
 Todd Jones Shasta EDC
 Rebeca Ladrón de Guevara Wintu Audubon Society
 Christina Prosperi Caltrans/District 2 Complete Streets GIS Manager
 Terry Jepsen Redding Fly Shop

Updated September 2023