
The Redding Riverfront Specific Plan project is anticipated to be a two-year process. Below is a summary of the overall schedule. A variety of community outreach and engagement activities will be held throughout the process. Check back frequently and/or sign up for our email notifications to stay up-to-date. Linked here is a more detailed version of the schedule and the key activities involved in each phase.

  • Completed
  • Current
  • Upcoming

Phase 1: Project Kickoff and Visioning

June 2023 to January 2024

  • Prepare Community Involvement Strategy (CIS)
  • Hold Community Open Houses
  • Meet with Community Members
  • Form the Community Coalition
  • Hold Community Coalition Meetings
  • Prepare a Vision and Guiding Principles Framework
  • Meet with Planning Commission and City Council

Phase 2: Analysis and Opportunities

February 2024 through July 2024

  • Review Existing City Reports, Policies, and Programs
  • Prepare Technical Background Memos
  • Prepare an Existing Conditions and Opportunities Framework
  • Hold Community Engagement Series #1: Opportunities and Alternatives
  • Launch an Online Community Survey
  • Meet with Planning Commission and City Council

Phase 3: Draft Plan Concepts 

August 2024 through October 2024

  • Prepare Land Use Concepts for the Northern and Southern Riverfronts
  • Prepare a Concepts Alternatives Summary
  • Hold Community Engagement Series #2: Concept Alternatives
  • Prepare an Emerging Preferred Specific Plan Alternative
  • Meet with Planning Commission and City Council

Phase 4: Specific Plan Development and CEQA

November 2024 through June 2025

  • Prepare the Draft Redding Riverfront Specific Plan
  • Prepare the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
  • Hold Community Engagement Series #3: Specific Plan Development
  • Meet with Planning Commission and City Council
  • Prepare the Final Redding Riverfront Specific Plan and EIR
  • Hold City Council Public Adoption Hearings