Formation of the Community Coalition

The City of Redding has formed a Community Coalition, representing a range of community interests and perspectives, to advise the Project Team during the development of the Riverfront Specific Plan. 

The Community Coalition will be convened for four public meetings this fall to inform the Vision and Guiding Principles for the Redding Riverfront. The mission and charge of the Community Coalition is to:

  • Develop a vision statement and guiding principles for land within the study area that will be presented to the broader community for review and feedback.
  • Review, evaluate, and discuss information and concepts for the study area, including future uses and areas of preservation and/or rehabilitation.
  • Assess the feasibility of a range of uses and activities in the study area, with the support of technical data and analysis provided by the Project Team.
  • Develop a recommended Riverfront Vision and Guiding Principles document for consideration by the Redding City Council.

Please check the Events Calendar for tentatively scheduled Community Coalition meetings and Stay Connected to receive email updates.